sábado, 8 de mayo de 2021



En esta tarea tendrás que llevar a cabo una entrevista de radio con un compañero/a.



  • En esta web podrás encontrar estructuras útiles a la hora de solicitar información, junto a una descripción de su grado de formalidad.
  • En este vídeo se muestra el testimonio de una persona que presenta sus recuerdos de la época escolar.
  • En este enlace se revisan estructuras para hablar en el pasado en inglés.
  • No olvides que se trata de representar una entrevista en un programa de radio.  En la entrevista tiene que haber una introducción, una presentación del invitado y para finalizar, una despedida del invitado. Todo ello debe suceder dentro del tiempo establecido para hacer la tarea.

Tema 1: Welcome to CEOLS!

  • Sección 1.  About CEOLS. Descripción de una institución educativa.
  • Sección 2. Let´s review our verb tenses. Revisión de los tiempos verbales en inglés.
  • Sección 6. Create your study group. Estructuras utilizadas cuando se solicita información.
  • Sección 7. Writing: Thinking about my school days. Posibles preguntas a hacer sobre recuerdos de la época escolar.



Your English school has launched a radio program entitled "Tell us about your school times!" and has asked students to participate in it. You and your partner decide to participate carrying out an interview to be broadcast in the program.

Student A is the host of the program and the one who introduces its guest, student B. Student A asks student B questions about his/her school days.

Student B is the guest of the program and answers student A´s questions about his/her school memories.

You must talk for about 4-5 minutes.

 Good Morning!

 Welcome one more day to the EOI program "Tell us about your school times!"

Peter, a student of our Official Language School, is with us today.

We want to know something about him, about his memories in primary and secondary school, also his journey through the English language, his concerns, the difficulties he finds in learning the new language, his goals, but above all, everything he likes and dislikes about this adventure.


Hi Peter!

How are you?


1.       Do you remember what year in or how old you were when you started your studies?

2.       What do you remember about your primary school times? Which was the school's name?

3.       What did you like best about it?

4.       What didn't you like about it?

5.       What do you remember about your secondary school times? Where did you study Bachillerato, BUP or Secondary?

6.       What was your school like?

7.       What about students?

8.       And the teachers?

9.       What did you like best about it?

10.    What didn't you like about it?

11.    Do you remember some anecdote from those times?

12.    We speak about your English. When did you start to study English?

13.    How many years have you been studying at the EOI?

14.    What did you like best about it?

15.    What didn't you like about it?

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