miércoles, 27 de marzo de 2019

How fast is your life?

 Tema 5 A (190 words)

People say me I talk too quickly and this is true. I don’t know because I talk so. However I'm the most patient of the world when people talk me, for example, when my mother tell me their things I listen to with attention although she repeat me the same, once and other time.
I eat very quickly, always I’ve eaten so. My family and my friends say me that it seems I'm going to arrive late somewhere.

When I go walking along the streets and there's people walking more slowly than me, sometimes I feel frustrated if I have in a hurry, but I don’t feel so if I don’t arrive late anywhere,
however I am very impatient while I wait my turn at the doctor’s surgery or in the queues to buy a ticket, to pay in the checkout, to enter a club or somewhere, etc. 

It’s true that I go to other shop if there is a queue to pay in the checkout.

In summary I think I am too nervous and perhaps I would have to do things more slowly and more relaxed.

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