martes, 24 de mayo de 2022




Which preposition?.Fill in all the gaps, then press "Check" to check your answers.
Which preposition?
about -- by -- on -- to -- of -- in -- at -- for

1. a. We stopped to get petrol the way.

b. Your shoes are the way- can you move them please?

c. Oh, the way, John called.

2.a. It all worked out the end.

b. So, the end of the story, he found his children safe and sound.

3. a. Lebron threw the ball Rose, who scored.

b. I was so annoyed with my brother that I threw a chair him.

4. a. I heard your accident. How are you feeling?

b. "Do you know who Dr Johnson is?" "I've heard him but other than the fact that he's a famous writer, that's it."

5. a. Think a number between 1 and 10

b. That photo made me think last year's holiday.

6. a. I shouted Joe but he can't have heard me.

b. My sister lost her watch again so my mum shouted her for ages.

7. a. I'm surprised you for writing such a horrible article.

b. We were surprised the results of the exam.

8. a. Mary's keen help in any way she can.

b. Mike is keen sport.

9. a.The magazine is sale now in all good newsagents'.

b.The neighbour's house is sale- I wonder what they're asking.




Fill in all the gaps with the words given, then press "Check" to check your answers.
temperature -- under the weather -- hypochondriac -- plaster -- sore -- diagnosis -- injections
prescription -- check-up -- an appointment -- runny -- side-effects -- blood pressure -- specialist
tests -- GP -- cold -- pills -- cast -- symptoms -- health centre -- pulse

1.Last week I wasn't feeling very well so I made to see my local (family doctor) at the local .

2. "Ok, nurse, what are the patient's ?" "Well, he's got a throat and a nose. I think it's just a .

3. It's important to have a every year, especially once you get older.

4. The doctor took my , my (only 50 beats per minute) and my (38 degrees). He made his and gave me a for some antibiotics.

5. You should always read the instructions to medicine very carefully in case there are any .

6. If the doctor isn't sure what's wrong with you, he may send you to a or arrange for you to have some more (like X-rays).

7. He's been to the doctor's every day this week and there's nothing wrong with him- what a .

8. "I'm going to India next week, doctor. Do I need any ?" "Yes, you need one for tetanus. And you also need to take for malaria".

9. When I broke my leg, the doctor put it in plaster. The was really itchy and of course I couldn't reach it to scratch it.

10. I've cut my finger- have you got a ?

11. "What's wrong?" "Oh, I'm feeling a bit ."

lunes, 23 de mayo de 2022




Fill in all the gaps with the right words, then press "Check" to check your answers.
1. My son's really (2) Fortnite. If I let him , he'd play forever.
2. Many people are (2) opioids. They started out taking them as . Taking them .(4)
3. Often a drug user manages to quit for a while. They then suffer (2)(or ) (2), which can be very unpleasant.The problem is that sometimes they (3) and go back to it.
4. People with a can seek help with self-help groups like Alcoholics Anonymous or can (3) ().
5. However, many die of . (2)




Put the word in English.Fill in all the gaps, then press "Check" to check your answers.
1. (2) Contaminación del aire
2. Atmósfera
3. (2) Cambio climático
4. Gases
5. (2) Calentamiento global
6. Globalización
7. (2) Residuos peligrosos
8. Sobrepesca
9. Superpoblado
10. Superpoblación
11. (2) Agotamiento del ozono
12. (3) Casquetes polares
13. (2) Destrucción de la selva tropical
14. Fondo marino
15. Rascacielo
16. Contaminación/ polución/ niebla tóxica
17. (2) Gasolina sin plomo
18. (4) Agotar los recursos naturales
19. (2) Contaminación del agua
20. Mundial/ del mundo/ global