sábado, 8 de mayo de 2021



En esta tarea tendrás que expresar oralmente tu opinión sobre cómo cambiarán nuestras vidas con las redes sociales en el futuro.


  •  En esta web encontrarás estructuras útiles para expresar la probabilidad.
  • En esta web encontrarás información sobre la posible influencia en el futuro de las redes sociales.
  • En este vídeo se habla de cómo será la interacción social en un futuro.
  • En este enlace podrás ver otras estructuras para expresar contraste.
  • En este enlace vemos cómo las redes sociales influirán en los negocios del futuro.
  • En este vídeo se presenta ejemplo de conversaciones en las que se expresan la incredulidad y la sorpresa.

Revisa los siguientes contenidos:

Tema 3: Internet and language.

·       Sección 6. Likely and probably. Expresiones utilizadas en las expresiones de las predicciones futuras.

Tema 4: Current networks.

·       Sección 1.  21st Century Socialization. Vocabulario y textos referidos a las redes sociales.

·       Sección 2.1. Expressing surprise. Estructuras utilizadas para expresar la sorpresa o incredulidad.

·       Sección 2.2. Expressing contrast. Estructuras utilizadas para expresar el contraste.

Based on the past, present and future, social media sites will continue to experience different challenges through personal relationships that will impact an individual’s life through social media platforms in the virtual world. Taking into consideration all the sites we are already familiar with nowadays and the way we establish relationships with other people, how would you define the role of social media in our future lives? How will it affect relationships, business and society in general? Record a video expressing your ideas.

  • You must talk for about 4-5 minutes.


Did you know there are more people who own a mobile phone than people with a toothbrush?

Accordind the researchers, In 2005, 5 per cent of adult internet users in the US used social media; You’re jocking!  in 2016, that number increased to 79 per cent,. Given the rate of growth, there will be a  100 per cent of adults with internet access on social media in the future. Oh, come on!

 In the future,

The children of 2030 will grow up unable to imagine a world in which social technology didn’t exist.

the Premium service will cause a sensation. Escaping from constant publicity will be very important.

It’ll grow the concern about privacy, therefore the social media will have to cope with this challenge.

It’ll grow the self care and this will have reflection in technology and the social media sites.

It’ll be even harder to distinguish between life on social media and reality.

Frequent use of social networks will negatively affect mental health.

There will be new laws and  court battles will be inevitable.

Technology will destroy more jobs than it’ll  create.

Sending money to your friends and followers will also happen through social media.

 According my nephew Pedrito, who is fourteen, Amazon will have its products delivered by drones, whattsap will create new emojis, instagram will allow to record videos of more than 4 people, and talk to people from other countries without costing money, Facebook will disappear and appear another cooler site, tik tok will be integrated into Instagram and Neflix will be totally free.

 Finally; She has a name. She is Alexa. Robots will probably be your best friends in the future; They will make your life easier and probably won't make you envy their perfect lifes posted on Facebook or Instagram, or yes.

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