sábado, 23 de febrero de 2019

Andalucia's day

“You can kill a man, but you can’t kill an idea. Blas Infante was the voice of the idea of Andalucia and he wrote a politic program. And this program was never an instrument of party or government. It was much more: an ethic of coexistence, a project of redemption and a hope of justice for the Andalusian people.
At the cry of: ¡Viva Andalucía  Libre!, he hoped that for every drop of blood new forces would be born for the freedom and autonomy of the Andalusian people. "

Andalusia’s  Day is celebrated on February 28 and commemorates the day of the referendum on the initiative of the autonomous process of Andalusia in 1980, which gave full autonomy to the Andalusian community.
It is a holiday throughout the Community.

The Andalusian culture is the result of different peoples and civilizations that have been building a particular cultural identity.
Although the formation of the Autonomous Andalusian State is relatively recent, we can’t  forget the footprint left by people like the Iberian, the Celtic, the Phoenician, the Carthaginian, the Roman or the Muslim.

Andalusia is an autonomous community of Spain, composed of eight provinces: Almería, Cádiz, Córdoba, Granada, Huelva, Jaén, Málaga and Seville. Its capital is Seville, a city recognized by the Statute of Autonomy as the seat of the Junta de Andalucía.
It is the most populated autonomous community of Spain and the second most extensive. 
Today, the Spanish Constitution, in its article 2, recognizes Andalusia as a nationality into the indissoluble unity of the Spanish nation.
In the articles of the autonomous statute, Andalusia is described like historical nationality.

According to Wikipedia Andalucía is the autonomous community with the poorest in Spain, one in four poor Spaniards is Andalusian, and one in three Andalusians is poor.

But Andalucia is more.........

María Zambrano, Málaga. Philosopher and writer, Elena Mendoza Sevilla. Pianist, composer and teacher, Eugenia de Montijo, Granada. Empress of the French, Mariana Pineda Granada. Politics and heroin ,María José Rienda Granada, Sportswoman Elena Martín Vivaldi Granada Librarian and poet María Bellido Cádiz Aguadora and heroina, Zaida, Córdoba Muslim princess of al-Ándalus, Maria del Carmen Hernández and Espinosa Granada entrepreneur and philanthropist from Motril, Zenobia Camprubí, adopted daughter of Huelva, writer, translator, teacher and feminist. Dolores García Pineda Cádiz, PhD in Pharmacy and Biochemistry and Nuclear Energy researcher. Carolina Marín, Sportswoman, Guadiana, Odiel, Tinto, Guadalquivir, Guadalete Guadiaro, Guadalhorce, Guadalmedina, Guadalfeo, Mediterranean forest, oaks, cork oaks, pine trees, fir trees, olive trees, almond trees, rosemary sas, thyme, cork oaks, poplar, elm trees, the imperial eagle, the griffon vulture, the kite, the Iberian wolf, the Iberian lynx, natural park of the Sierra de Cazorla, Segura and Las Villas, the national park of Sierra Nevada, the national park of Doñana, the Desert of Tabernas, natural park of Cabo de Gata-Níjar, AVE train, Port of Algeciras, Malaga, Cádiz, Huelva, Seville, Malaga-Costa del Sol airports, Seville, Jerez, ten public universities and one private. Andalusian Health Service, Andalusian Center for Marine Science and Technology, Technological Corporation of Andalusia, Andalusia Technology Park and Cartuja 93, Aerópolis, Geolit, Costa de la Luz, Costa del Sol, Costa Tropical, Costa de Almeria, Mezquita of Cordoba, the Alhambra of Granada the Giralda of Seville. cathedrals, castles or fortresses, monasteries and historical centers of monumental cities, such as Úbeda and Baeza (Jaén), Picasso Museum Malaga, Museum House of Murillo in Seville,Tourist Municipalities Roquetas de Mar, Chiclana de la Frontera, Chipiona, Conil de la Frontera, Grazalema, Rota, Tarifa; Almuñécar, Aracena, Cazorla, Benalmádena, Fuengirola, Nerja, Rincón de la Victoria, Ronda, Torremolinos, Santiponce, Velázquez, Murillo, Valdés Leal, Martínez Montañés, Alonso Cano, Vázquez Díaz, Pablo Picasso, Manuel de Falla, Joaquín Turina, Camarón de la Isla, Pco de Lucía, Cruzcampo, Puleva, Domecq, Renault Andalucía, Santana Motor, Valeo, Airbus, Airbus Military, Alestis Aerospace, valley of the Guadalquivir, the Marco of Jerez, the County of Huelva, Montilla-Moriles and in Malaga, Sierra Morena and The Alcornocales, the Andalusian fishing fleet, polymetals of Aznalcóllar, iron of Alquife, province of Huelva, Iberian Pyrite belt, dolmen of Menga and Viera, Bronze Age, TheMillares and The Argar, archaeological sites of Doña Blanca and Cerro of the Villar, and the ruins of Baelo Claudia or Itálica, Alhambra, the mosque of Córdoba, the citadel of Málaga, the Giralda, the castle of Santa Catalina in Jaén or the citadel of Almería and its walls, Real Alcazar of Seville, the Cathedral of Seville, the Cartuja of Jerez de la Frontera, Andalusian courtyards, the caves of La Hoya de Guadix and Sacromonte,............ Zurbarán, Velázquez and Murillo, Julio Romero de Torres, Pablo Picasso, Luis de Góngora, Bécquer, Antonio Machado, brothers Álvarez Quintero, Juan Ramón Jiménez, Federico García Lorca, Luis Cernuda, Rafael Alberti, Manuel Altolaguirre, Emilio Prados and Vicente Aleixandre, Séneca, Ibn Gabirol, Maimónides, Averroes, Fernán Pérez de Oliva, Sebastián Fox Morcillo, Angel Ganivet, Francisco Giner de los Ríos,....................... friendly people.

Our school celebrated the day of Andalusia. At the entrance to the school, different banners with information about our community were placed. Teachers and students were invited to eat toasted bread with oil.

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