viernes, 25 de enero de 2019

Cook with me

There are many ways to practice English. Today (as almost every day) I have cooked and I have taken advantage of this situation to make this video recipe in English. I have cooked a chicken drumsticks in sauce and a garnish of chips and mushrooms. I have accompanied this plate with a green salad with tuna.

chicken drumsticks
green pepper
red pepper
bay leaf

1º Give a little cut to the chicken drumsticks and throw them salt and pepper.
2º Fry the chicken drumsticks until they’re golden brown
3º Remove the chicken
4º Fry the onion, garlic and peppers low fire. (10 ')
5º Add the tomatoes. (5')
6º Fry the mushrooms in a pan.
7º Add them.
8º Throw the wine. Raise the fire. (3')
9º Incorporate the chicken
10º Prepare the chicken broth with water and an avecrem pill in the microwave
11º Throw the chicken broth
12º Throw a bay leaf
13º Bring it to a boil, lower the fire and cook it approximately 45 '
¡Ready! It’s done.

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